Lensbaby Workshop with Mary Jo Bedford
We have been fortunate to secure dates for a lens baby workshop with Mary Jo Bedford. This exciting workshop will be held the last weekend in November, with a kindy class on the 26th November, in the evening, for those who have never used a lens baby before.
We are not limited to the number of people that attend, but need to have as a minimum 7 to have the course go ahead. The course is also available to other camera club members, and anyone else who may be interested.
As an owner of a lens baby – it is one of the most coolest things I own for creating unusual images. There are several people who have lensbabies, so if you’d like to try one out first then leave a comment and we’ll put you in touch with someone who can lend you one.
The lens baby website is as follows http://lensbaby.com
Mary Jo Bedford’s website is worth a look if you’re still not sure.
Initial interest can be directed to Sarah Matthews, or initial deposit can be paid straight to Mary Jo.
Thanks, Sarah sarahvmatthews@ezysurf.co.nz